Apache CarbonData Dev Mailing List archive

This forum is an archive for the mailing list dev@carbondata.apache.org
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Topics (34619)
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[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3367: [CARBONDATA-3506]Fix alter table failures on parition table with hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes as true by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3367: [CARBONDATA-3506]Fix alter table failures on parition table with hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes as true by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Updated] (CARBONDATA-3492) Cache Pre-Priming by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Updated] (CARBONDATA-3492) Cache Pre-Priming by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3367: [CARBONDATA-3506]Fix alter table failures on parition table with hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes as true by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] jackylk commented on a change in pull request #3364: [CARBONDATA-3503][Carbon2] Adapt to SparkSessionExtension by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] jackylk commented on a change in pull request #3364: [CARBONDATA-3503][Carbon2] Adapt to SparkSessionExtension by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] jackylk commented on a change in pull request #3364: [CARBONDATA-3503][Carbon2] Adapt to SparkSessionExtension by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3363: [CARBONDATA-3502] Select query with UDF having Match expression inside IN expression Fails by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] kumarvishal09 commented on issue #3363: [CARBONDATA-3502] Select query with UDF having Match expression inside IN expression Fails by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] manishnalla1994 commented on issue #3363: [CARBONDATA-3502] Select query with UDF having Match expression inside IN expression Fails by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3367: [CARBONDATA-3506]Fix alter table failures on parition table with hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes as true by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3363: [CARBONDATA-3502] Select query with UDF having Match expression inside IN expression Fails by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3363: [CARBONDATA-3502] Select query with UDF having Match expression inside IN expression Fails by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-3506) Alter table add, drop, rename and datatype change fails with hive compatile property by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] zzcclp commented on issue #3366: [CARBONDATA-3497] Support to write long string for streaming table by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3363: [CARBONDATA-3502] Select query with UDF having Match expression inside IN expression Fails by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3366: [CARBONDATA-3497] Support to write long string for streaming table by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] manishnalla1994 commented on issue #3363: [CARBONDATA-3502] Select query with UDF having Match expression inside IN expression Fails by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3366: [CARBONDATA-3497] Support to write long string for streaming table by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3367: [WIP]Fix alter table failures on parition table with hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes as true by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3367: [WIP]Fix alter table failures on parition table with hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes as true by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3366: [CARBONDATA-3497] Support to write long string for streaming table by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3366: [CARBONDATA-3497] Support to write long string for streaming table by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] zzcclp commented on issue #3366: [CARBONDATA-3497] Support to write long string for streaming table by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3367: [WIP]Fix alter table failures on parition table with hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes as true by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] akashrn5 opened a new pull request #3367: [WIP]Fix alter table failures on parition table with hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes as true by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3366: [CARBONDATA-3497] Support to write long string for streaming table by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3366: [CARBONDATA-3497] Support to write long string for streaming table by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3330: [CARBONDATA-3473] Fix data size calcution of the last column in CarbonCli by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3330: [CARBONDATA-3473] Fix data size calcution of the last column in CarbonCli by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3330: [CARBONDATA-3473] Fix data size calcution of the last column in CarbonCli by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] kevinjmh commented on issue #3330: [CARBONDATA-3473] Fix data size calcution of the last column in CarbonCli by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3366: [CARBONDATA-3497] Support to write long string for streaming table by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3366: [CARBONDATA-3497] Support to write long string for streaming table by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
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