with ApacheCON in Seville right around the corner
chances are you've made your travel arrangements
already. If you happen to be around the conference
on Fri, November 18th, 16:30 - 17:20 why not use
that time to highlight your favorite podling?
https://s.apache.org/aceu2016_shark_tankPodling Shark Tank is back and it is a perfect opportunity
to give a short, 5 min pitch in a fun environment.
You don't have to be a committer on the project, or
even a developer! All you have to have is a bit of
free time and a lot of passion to let the world know
how awesome this project is!
If you feel interested -- please either sign up on the
wiki page (it also provides more details on the event)
https://wiki.apache.org/apachecon/Seville16PodlingSharkTankor just reply to this thread.
Either way -- hope to see you at Podling Shark Tank in Seville!