[GitHub] [carbondata] Indhumathi27 opened a new pull request #3310: Fix DataLoading to MV table when Yarn-Application is killed

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[GitHub] [carbondata] Indhumathi27 opened a new pull request #3310: Fix DataLoading to MV table when Yarn-Application is killed

Indhumathi27 opened a new pull request #3310: Fix DataLoading to MV table when Yarn-Application is killed
URL: https://github.com/apache/carbondata/pull/3310
   When dataLoad is triggered on datamaptable and new LoadMetaDetail with SegmentStatus as "InsertInProgress"  and segmentMappingInfo is created and then yarn-application is killed. Then on next load, stale loadMetadetail is still in InsertInProgress state and mainTableSegemnts mapped to that loadMetaDetail is not considered for nextLoad resulted in dataMismatch between main table and datamap table
   Clean up the old invalid segment before creating a new entry for new Load.
    - [ ] Any interfaces changed?
    - [ ] Any backward compatibility impacted?
    - [ ] Document update required?
    - [ ] Testing done
    - [ ] For large changes, please consider breaking it into sub-tasks under an umbrella JIRA.

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