[GitHub] [carbondata] akashrn5 commented on a change in pull request #3275: [WIP]Added documentation for mv

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[GitHub] [carbondata] akashrn5 commented on a change in pull request #3275: [WIP]Added documentation for mv

akashrn5 commented on a change in pull request #3275: [WIP]Added documentation for mv
URL: https://github.com/apache/carbondata/pull/3275#discussion_r292316351

 File path: docs/datamap/mv-datamap-guide.md
 @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+    contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+    this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+    The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+    (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+    the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+    limitations under the License.
+# CarbonData MV DataMap
+* [Quick Example](#quick-example)
+* [MV DataMap](#mv-datamap-introduction)
+* [Loading Data](#loading-data)
+* [Querying Data](#querying-data)
+* [Compaction](#compacting-mv-tables)
+* [Data Management](#data-management-with-mv-tables)
+## Quick example
+Download and unzip spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz, and export $SPARK_HOME
+Package carbon jar, and copy assembly/target/scala-2.11/carbondata_2.11-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT-shade-hadoop2.7.2.jar to $SPARK_HOME/jars
+mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pspark-2.2 -Pmv
+Start spark-shell in new terminal, type :paste, then copy and run the following code.
+ import java.io.File
+ import org.apache.spark.sql.{CarbonEnv, SparkSession}
+ import org.apache.spark.sql.CarbonSession._
+ import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.{ProcessingTime, StreamingQuery}
+ import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.path.CarbonStorePath
+ val warehouse = new File("./warehouse").getCanonicalPath
+ val metastore = new File("./metastore").getCanonicalPath
+ val spark = SparkSession
+   .builder()
+   .master("local")
+   .appName("MVDatamapExample")
+   .config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", warehouse)
+   .getOrCreateCarbonSession(warehouse, metastore)
+ spark.sparkContext.setLogLevel("ERROR")
+ // drop table if exists previously
+ spark.sql(s"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sales")
+ // Create main table
+ spark.sql(
+   s"""
+      | CREATE TABLE sales (
+      | user_id string,
+      | country string,
+      | quantity int,
+      | price bigint)
+      | STORED AS carbondata
+    """.stripMargin)
+ // Create mv datamap table on the main table
+ // If main table already have data, following command
+ // will trigger one immediate load to the mv table
+ spark.sql(
+   s"""
+      | CREATE DATAMAP agg_sales
+      | ON TABLE sales
+      | USING "mv"
+      | AS
+      | SELECT country, sum(quantity), avg(price)
+      | FROM sales
+      | GROUP BY country
+    """.stripMargin)
+  import spark.implicits._
+  import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
+  import scala.util.Random
+  // Load data to the main table, it will also
+  // trigger immediate load to mv table in case of non-lazy datamap.
+  val r = new Random()
+  spark.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
+   .map(x => ("ID." + r.nextInt(100000), "country" + x % 8, x % 50, x % 60))
+   .toDF("user_id", "country", "quantity", "price")
+   .write
+   .format("carbondata")
+   .option("tableName", "sales")
+   .option("compress", "true")
+   .mode(SaveMode.Append)
+   .save()
+  spark.sql(
+    s"""
+       |SELECT country, sum(quantity), avg(price)
+       | from sales GROUP BY country
+     """.stripMargin).show
+  spark.stop
+## MV DataMap Introduction
+  Pre-aggregate datamap supports only aggregation on single table. MV datamap was implemented to
+  support projection, projection with filter, aggregation and join capabilities also. MV tables are
+  created as DataMaps and managed as tables internally by CarbonData. User can create as many MV
+  datamaps required to improve query performance, provided the storage requirements and loading
+  speeds are acceptable.
+  MV datamap can be lazy or non-lazy datamap. Once MV datamaps are created, CarbonData's
+  CarbonAnalyzer supports to select the most efficient MV datamap and rewrite the SQL to query
+  against the selected datamap instead of the main table. Since the data size of MV datamap is
+  smaller, user queries are much faster.
+  For instance, main table called **sales** which is defined as
+  ```
+  CREATE TABLE sales (
+    order_time timestamp,
+    user_id string,
+    sex string,
+    country string,
+    quantity int,
+    price bigint)
+  STORED AS carbondata
+  ```
+  User can create MV tables using the Create DataMap DDL
+  ```
+  CREATE DATAMAP agg_sales
+  ON TABLE sales
+  AS
+    SELECT country, sex, sum(quantity), avg(price)
+    FROM sales
+    GROUP BY country, sex
+  ```
+ **NOTE**:
+ * Group by/Filter columns has to be provided in projection list while creating mv datamap
+ * If only one parent table is involved in mv datamap creation, then TableProperties of Parent table
+   (if not present in a aggregate function like sum(col)) like SORT_COLUMNS, SORT_SCOPE, TABLE_BLOCKSIZE,
+   INVERTED_INDEX, NO_INVERTED_INDEX, COLUMN_COMPRESSOR will be inherited to datamap table
+ * All columns of main table at once cannot participate in mv datamap table creation
+ * TableProperties can be provided in DMProperties excluding LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE,
+   TableProperty given in DMProperties will be considered for mv creation, eventhough if same
+   property is inherited from parent table)
+#### How MV tables are selected
+When a user query is submitted, during query planning phase, CarbonData will collect modular plan
+candidates and process the the ModularPlan based on registered summary data sets. Then,
+mv datamap table for this query will be selected among the candidates.
+For the main table **sales** and mv table  **agg_sales** created above, following queries
+SELECT country, sex, sum(quantity), avg(price) from sales GROUP BY country, sex
+SELECT sex, sum(quantity) from sales GROUP BY sex
+SELECT avg(price), country from sales GROUP BY country
+will be transformed by CarbonData's query planner to query against mv table
+**agg_sales** instead of the main table **sales**
+However, for following queries
+SELECT user_id, country, sex, sum(quantity), avg(price) from sales GROUP BY user_id, country, sex
+SELECT sex, avg(quantity) from sales GROUP BY sex
+SELECT country, max(price) from sales GROUP BY country
+will query against main table **sales** only, because it does not satisfy mv table
+selection logic.
+## Loading data
+### Loading data to Non-Lazy MV Datamap
+In case of WITHOUT DEFERRED REBUILD, for existing table with loaded data, data load to MV table will
+be triggered by the CREATE DATAMAP statement when user creates the MV table.
+For incremental loads after mv datamap tables are created, loading data to main table triggers the
+load to mv datamap tables once main table loading is complete.
+### Loading data to Lazy MV Datamap
+In case of WITH DEFERRED REBUILD, data load to MV table will be triggered by the REBUILD DATAMAP
+command. MV datamap will be in DISABLED state, if
 Review comment:
   `if`  to `state in below scenarios`

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