GitHub user xubo245 opened a pull request: [WIP][CARBONDATA-2153] Failed to update table status for pre-aggregate table when maintable load twice // TODO: to be fixed test("test whether all segments are loaded into pre-aggregate table: error in auto merge and input segment") { CarbonProperties.getInstance() .addProperty(CarbonCommonConstants.ENABLE_AUTO_LOAD_MERGE, "true") sql("reset") sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS main_table") sql( """ | CREATE TABLE main_table( | id INT, | name STRING, | city STRING, | age INT) | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' """.stripMargin) sql(s"INSERT INTO main_table VALUES(1, 'xyz', 'bengaluru', 26)") sql(s"INSERT INTO main_table VALUES(1, 'xyz', 'bengaluru', 26)") sql( s""" | CREATE DATAMAP preagg_sum | ON TABLE main_table | USING 'preaggregate' | AS SELECT id, SUM(age) | FROM main_table | GROUP BY id """.stripMargin) sql(s"INSERT INTO main_table VALUES(1, 'xyz', 'bengaluru', 26)") sql("show segments for table main_table_preagg_sum").show() sql(s"LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$testData' INTO TABLE main_table") sql(s"LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$testData' INTO TABLE main_table") sql("show segments for table main_table_preagg_sum").show() checkExistence(sql("show segments for table main_table_preagg_sum"), true, "Compacted") CarbonProperties.getInstance() .addProperty(CarbonCommonConstants.ENABLE_AUTO_LOAD_MERGE, "false") } ``` committing data maps java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to update table status for pre-aggregate table at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27) at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.preaaggregate.CommitPreAggregateListener$.onEvent(PreAggregateListeners.scala:317) at at org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd.CarbonTableCompactor.triggerCompaction(CarbonTableCompactor.scala:265) at org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd.CarbonTableCompactor.scanSegmentsAndSubmitJob(CarbonTableCompactor.scala:123) at org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd.CarbonTableCompactor.executeCompaction(CarbonTableCompactor.scala:74) at org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd.CarbonDataRDDFactory$$anon$ at org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd.CarbonDataRDDFactory$.startCompactionThreads(CarbonDataRDDFactory.scala:260) at org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd.CarbonDataRDDFactory$.handleSegmentMerging(CarbonDataRDDFactory.scala:780) at org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd.CarbonDataRDDFactory$.loadCarbonData(CarbonDataRDDFactory.scala:568) at at at at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.ExecutedCommandExec.sideEffectResult$lzycompute(commands.scala:58) at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.ExecutedCommandExec.sideEffectResult(commands.scala:56) at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.ExecutedCommandExec.executeCollect(commands.scala:67) at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.<init>(Dataset.scala:183) at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset$.ofRows(Dataset.scala:68) at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession.sql(SparkSession.scala:632) at org.apache.spark.sql.test.Spark2TestQueryExecutor.sql(Spark2TestQueryExecutor.scala:35) at org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest.sql(QueryTest.scala:113) at org.apache.carbondata.integration.spark.testsuite.preaggregate.TestPreAggregateLoad$$anonfun$35.apply$mcV$sp(TestPreAggregateLoad.scala:1196) ``` and auto compaction fail: ``` ScalaTestFailureLocation: org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest$$anonfun$checkExistence$1 at (QueryTest.scala:59) org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: "3Success2018-02-09 02:10:17.4422018-02-09 02:10:18.146NACOLUMNAR_V32Success2018-02-09 02:10:15.8312018-02-09 02:10:16.756NACOLUMNAR_V31Success2018-02-09 02:10:14.1842018-02-09 02:10:15.175NACOLUMNAR_V30Success2018-02-09 02:10:11.0172018-02-09 02:10:13.773NACOLUMNAR_V3" did not contain "Compacted" Failed for [SegmentSequenceId: string, Status: string ... 4 more fields] (Compacted doesn't exist in result) at org.scalatest.Assertions$class.newAssertionFailedException(Assertions.scala:500) ``` Be sure to do all of the following checklist to help us incorporate your contribution quickly and easily: - [ ] Any interfaces changed? - [ ] Any backward compatibility impacted? - [ ] Document update required? - [ ] Testing done Please provide details on - Whether new unit test cases have been added or why no new tests are required? - How it is tested? Please attach test report. - Is it a performance related change? Please attach the performance test report. - Any additional information to help reviewers in testing this change. - [ ] For large changes, please consider breaking it into sub-tasks under an umbrella JIRA. You can merge this pull request into a Git repository by running: $ git pull CARBONDATA2153_FailedUpdateTable Alternatively you can review and apply these changes as the patch at: To close this pull request, make a commit to your master/trunk branch with (at least) the following in the commit message: This closes #1963 ---- commit 5481032c48fcd3c2b12ac3741fe553cf046efde1 Author: xubo245 <601450868@...> Date: 2018-02-09T10:09:42Z [CARBONDATA-2153] Failed to update table status for pre-aggregate table when maintable load twice ---- --- |
Github user CarbonDataQA commented on the issue: Build Failed with Spark 2.2.1, Please check CI --- |
In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user CarbonDataQA commented on the issue: Build Failed with Spark 2.1.0, Please check CI --- |
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Github user ravipesala commented on the issue: SDV Build Fail , Please check CI --- |
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Github user CarbonDataQA commented on the issue: Build Failed with Spark 2.1.0, Please check CI --- |
In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user CarbonDataQA commented on the issue: Build Failed with Spark 2.2.1, Please check CI --- |
In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user CarbonDataQA commented on the issue: Build Failed with Spark 2.2.1, Please check CI --- |
In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user CarbonDataQA commented on the issue: Build Failed with Spark 2.1.0, Please check CI --- |
In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user CarbonDataQA commented on the issue: Build Failed with Spark 2.1.0, Please check CI --- |
In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user CarbonDataQA commented on the issue: Build Failed with Spark 2.2.1, Please check CI --- |
In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user ravipesala commented on the issue: SDV Build Fail , Please check CI --- |
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