[GitHub] carbondata pull request #2335: [WIP] integrate carbonstore mv branch

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[GitHub] carbondata issue #2335: [CARBONDATA-2573] integrate carbonstore mv branch

Github user ravipesala commented on the issue:

    @eychih The code added to rewrite with MV table is done outside so there would not be any harm to the purpose of MV. And moreover checking the sameresult multiple times gives performance problems while doing matching. And we have tested the sameresult and gives the problem if the session changes unless we maintain the cache for each session, I think that is not a good idea.

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[GitHub] carbondata issue #2335: [CARBONDATA-2573] integrate carbonstore mv branch

In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user jackylk commented on the issue:


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[GitHub] carbondata pull request #2335: [CARBONDATA-2573] integrate carbonstore mv br...

In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user asfgit closed the pull request at:


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[GitHub] carbondata issue #2335: [CARBONDATA-2573] integrate carbonstore mv branch

In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user eychih commented on the issue:

    @ravipesala @jackylk It looks like the discussion become uninteresting and unproductive now.  I just try to make some constructive comments.  The comments I made in the previous discussions remain true.  In terms of MV, the performance bottleneck comes from the amount of data we need to process and how we process them, e.g. using cache, rather than matching time of the logical plan.  The reason I take the approach in chowbranch because the old code is difficult to understand and to extend.  This is not just my opinion.  I will stop here and not make any further comment.  
