Github user ravipesala commented on the issue:
The build was failed due to timeout on bloom test cases. Please check it.
8/07/04 18:57:23 AUDIT CarbonDataRDDFactory$: [hadoop-slave-8][jenkins][Thread-1]Data load request has been received for table default.carbon_normal
18/07/04 18:57:24 AUDIT CarbonDataRDDFactory$: [hadoop-slave-8][jenkins][Thread-1]Data load is successful for default.carbon_normal
18/07/04 18:57:24 AUDIT CarbonDataRDDFactory$: [hadoop-slave-8][jenkins][Thread-1]Data load request has been received for table default.carbon_bloom
18/07/04 18:57:24 AUDIT CarbonDataRDDFactory$: [hadoop-slave-8][jenkins][Thread-1]Data load is successful for default.carbon_bloom
Build timed out (after 180 minutes). Marking the build as failed.
Build was aborted
channel stopped