Github user praveenmeenakshi56 commented on the issue: retest this please --- |
In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user ravipesala commented on the issue: SDV Build Success , Please check CI --- |
In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user CarbonDataQA commented on the issue: Build Success with Spark 2.2.1, Please check CI --- |
In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user CarbonDataQA commented on the issue: Build Success with Spark 2.1.0, Please check CI --- |
In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user praveenmeenakshi56 commented on a diff in the pull request: --- Diff: integration/spark-common/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/command/carbonTableSchemaCommon.scala --- @@ -391,7 +495,7 @@ object TableNewProcessor { if (dataType == DataTypes.DATE) { encoders.add(Encoding.DIRECT_DICTIONARY) } - if (dataType == DataTypes.TIMESTAMP && ! highCardinalityDims.contains(colName)) { --- End diff -- these are all handled in #2450 --- |
In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user praveenmeenakshi56 commented on a diff in the pull request: --- Diff: integration/spark-common-test/src/test/scala/org/apache/carbondata/spark/testsuite/localdictionary/LocalDictionarySupportAlterTableTest.scala --- @@ -0,0 +1,1183 @@ +package org.apache.carbondata.spark.testsuite.localdictionary + +import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest +import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll + +import org.apache.carbondata.common.exceptions.sql.MalformedCarbonCommandException + +class LocalDictionarySupportAlterTableTest extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll{ + + override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = { + sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS LOCAL1") + } + + test("test alter table add column") { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='true', + | 'local_dictionary_threshold'='20000','local_dictionary_include'='city','no_inverted_index'='name') + """.stripMargin) + sql("alter table local1 add columns (alt string) tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='alt')") + val descLoc = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Threshold")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("20000")) + } + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("city,alt")) + } + } + + test("test alter table add column default configs for local dictionary") { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='true', + | 'local_dictionary_threshold'='20000','no_inverted_index'='name') + """.stripMargin) + sql("alter table local1 add columns (alt string)") + val descLoc = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Threshold")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("20000")) + } + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("name,city,alt")) + } + } + + test("test alter table add column where same column is in dictionary include and local dictionary include") { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='true', + | 'local_dictionary_threshold'='20000','local_dictionary_include'='city','no_inverted_index'='name') + """.stripMargin) + val exception = intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] { + sql( + "alter table local1 add columns (alt string) tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='alt','dictionary_include'='alt')") + } + assert(exception.getMessage + .contains( + "LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE/LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE column: alt specified in Dictionary " + + "include. Local Dictionary will not be generated for Dictionary include columns. " + + "Please check the DDL.")) + } + + test("test alter table add column where duplicate columns present in local dictionary include") { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='true', + | 'local_dictionary_threshold'='20000','local_dictionary_include'='city','no_inverted_index'='name') + """.stripMargin) + val exception = intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] { + sql( + "alter table local1 add columns (alt string) tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='alt,alt')") + } + assert(exception.getMessage + .contains( + "LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE/LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE contains Duplicate Columns: alt. " + + "Please check the DDL.")) + } + + test("test alter table add column where duplicate columns present in local dictionary include/exclude") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='true', + | 'local_dictionary_threshold'='20000','local_dictionary_include'='city', + | 'no_inverted_index'='name') + """.stripMargin) + val exception1 = intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] { + sql( + "alter table local1 add columns (alt string) tblproperties" + + "('local_dictionary_include'='abc')") + } + assert(exception1.getMessage + .contains( + "LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE/LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE column: abc does not exist in table. " + + "Please check the DDL.")) + val exception2 = intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] { + sql( + "alter table local1 add columns (alt string) tblproperties" + + "('local_dictionary_exclude'='abc')") + } + assert(exception2.getMessage + .contains( + "LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE/LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE column: abc does not exist in table. " + + "Please check the DDL.")) + } + + test("test alter table add column for datatype validation") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='true', + | 'local_dictionary_include'='city', 'no_inverted_index'='name') + """.stripMargin) + val exception = intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] { + sql( + "alter table local1 add columns (alt string,abc int) tblproperties" + + "('local_dictionary_include'='abc')") + } + assert(exception.getMessage + .contains( + "LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE/LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE column: abc is not a String/complex " + + "datatype column. LOCAL_DICTIONARY_COLUMN should be no dictionary string/complex datatype" + + " column.Please check the DDL.")) + } + + test("test alter table add column where duplicate columns are present in local dictionary include and exclude") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='true', + | 'local_dictionary_include'='city', 'no_inverted_index'='name') + """.stripMargin) + val exception = intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] { + sql( + "alter table local1 add columns (alt string,abc string) tblproperties" + + "('local_dictionary_include'='abc','local_dictionary_exclude'='alt,abc')") + } + assert(exception.getMessage + .contains( + "Column ambiguity as duplicate column(s):abc is present in LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE " + + "and LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE. Duplicate columns are not allowed.")) + } + + test("test alter table add column unsupported table property") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='true', + | 'local_dictionary_include'='city', 'no_inverted_index'='name') + """.stripMargin) + val exception = intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] { + sql( + "alter table local1 add columns (alt string,abc string) tblproperties" + + "('local_dictionary_enable'='abc')") + } + assert(exception.getMessage + .contains( + "Unsupported Table property in add column: local_dictionary_enable")) + val exception1 = intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] { + sql( + "alter table local1 add columns (alt string,abc string) tblproperties" + + "('local_dictionary_threshold'='10000')") + } + assert(exception1.getMessage + .contains( + "Unsupported Table property in add column: local_dictionary_threshold")) + } + + test("test alter table add column when main table is disabled for local dictionary") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='false', + | 'local_dictionary_include'='city', 'no_inverted_index'='name') + """.stripMargin) + sql( + "alter table local1 add columns (alt string,abc string) tblproperties" + + "('local_dictionary_include'='abc')") + val descLoc = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("false")) + } + + checkExistence(sql("DESC FORMATTED local1"), false, + "Local Dictionary Include") + } + + test("test local dictionary threshold for boundary values") { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' tblproperties('local_dictionary_threshold'='300000') + """.stripMargin) + val descLoc = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Threshold")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("10000")) + } + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' tblproperties('local_dictionary_threshold'='500') + """.stripMargin) + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Threshold")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("10000")) + } + } + + test("test alter table add column for local dictionary include and exclude configs") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='true', + | 'local_dictionary_include'='city', 'no_inverted_index'='name') + """.stripMargin) + sql( + "alter table local1 add columns (alt string,abc string) tblproperties" + + "('local_dictionary_include'='abc','local_dictionary_exclude'='alt')") + val descLoc = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("city,abc")) + } + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Exclude")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("alt")) + } + } + + test("test local dictionary foer varchar datatype columns") { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='city', + | 'LONG_STRING_COLUMNS'='city') + """.stripMargin) + val descLoc = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("city")) + } + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Threshold")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("10000")) + } + } + + test("test local dictionary describe formatted only with default configs") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Threshold")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("10000")) + } + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("name,city")) + } + } + + test("test local dictionary for invalid threshold") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_threshold'='300000') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Threshold")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("10000")) + } + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary enable to disable") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_threshold'='300000') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Threshold")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("10000")) + } + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='false')") + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("false")) + } + checkExistence(sql("DESC FORMATTED local1"), false, + "Local Dictionary Threshold") + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _001") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_threshold'='30000')") + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Threshold")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("30000")) + } + } + + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _002") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name')") + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("name") && !row.get(1).toString.contains("city")) + } + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _003") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='name')") + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("city")) + } + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Exclude")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("name")) + } + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _004") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='city')") + + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("city")) + } + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _005") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name,city')") + + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("name,city")) + } + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _006") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='city')") + + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("name")) + } + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Exclude")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("city")) + } + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _007") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + val exception1 = intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='city, ')") + } + assert(exception1.getMessage + .contains( + "LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE/LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE column: does not exist in table. " + + "Please check the DDL.")) + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _008") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + val exception1 = intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='name')") + } + assert(exception1.getMessage.contains("Column ambiguity as duplicate column(s):name is present in LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE and LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE. Duplicate columns are not allowed.")) + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _009") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + val exception1 = intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='id')") + } + assert(exception1.getMessage.contains("LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE/LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE column: id is not a String/complex datatype column. LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE/LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE should be no dictionary string/complex datatype column.")) + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _010") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('dictionary_include'='name') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + val exception1 = intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name')") + } + assert(exception1.getMessage.contains("LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE/LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE column: name specified in Dictionary include. Local Dictionary will not be generated for Dictionary include columns. Please check the DDL.")) + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _011") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='name') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='city')") + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("name")) + } + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Exclude")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("city")) + } + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _012") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='name') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + val exception1 = intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='city, ')") + } + assert(exception1.getMessage.contains("LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE/LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE column: does not exist in table. Please check the DDL.")) + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _013") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('dictionary_include'='name') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + val exception1 = intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='name')") + } + assert(exception1.getMessage.contains("LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE/LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE column: name specified in Dictionary include. Local Dictionary will not be generated for Dictionary include columns. Please check the DDL.")) + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _014") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + val exception1 = intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='name')") + } + assert(exception1.getMessage.contains("Column ambiguity as duplicate column(s):name is present in LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE and LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE. Duplicate columns are not allowed.")) + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _015") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='false')") + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("false")) + } + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _016") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='false') + """.stripMargin) + + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name')") + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("false")) + } + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary _017") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name','local_dictionary_exclude'='city') + """.stripMargin) + + val exception1 = intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='name')") + } + assert(exception1.getMessage.contains("Column ambiguity as duplicate column(s):name is present in LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE and LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE. Duplicate columns are not allowed.")) + } + + test("test alter unset for local dictionary _001") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name','local_dictionary_exclude'='city') + """.stripMargin) + + sql("alter table local1 unset tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude')") + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("name")) + } + } + + test("test alter unset for local dictionary _002") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name','local_dictionary_exclude'='city') + """.stripMargin) + + sql("alter table local1 unset tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude')") + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='city')") + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("name")) + } + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Exclude")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("city")) + } + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary disable to enable") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='false','local_dictionary_threshold'='300000') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("false")) + } + checkExistence(sql("DESC FORMATTED local1"), false, + "Local Dictionary Threshold") + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='true','local_dictionary_threshold'='30000')") + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Threshold")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("30000")) + } + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary include valid and invalid") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int,add string) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='city','dictionary_include'='add') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("city")) + } + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name')") + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("name")) + } + intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='id')") + } + intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='city,city')") + } + intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='')") + } + intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='add')") + } + } + + test("test alter set for local dictionary exclude valid and invalid") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int,add string) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='city','dictionary_include'='add') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Exclude")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("city")) + } + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='name')") + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Exclude")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("name")) + } + intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='id')") + } + intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='city,city')") + } + intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='')") + } + intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='add')") + } + } + + test("test alter set same column for local dictionary exclude and include") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='city') + """.stripMargin) + intercept[Exception] { + sql( + "alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='name'," + + "'local_dictionary_exclude'='name')") + } + } + + test("test alter set for valid and invalid complex type as include/exclude") { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int,st struct<s_id:int, + | s_name:string,s_city:array<string>>, dcity array<string>) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' + | tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='name','local_dictionary_include'='city,dcity', + | 'local_dictionary_enable'='true') + """. + stripMargin) + val descFormatted1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descFormatted1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enabled")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + descFormatted1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert( + row.get(1).toString.contains("city,dcity") && !row.get(1).toString.contains("name")) + } + intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='dcity')") + } + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='st')") + val descFormatted2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descFormatted2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Exclude")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("st")) + } + descFormatted2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("city,dcity")) + } + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='st'," + + "'local_dictionary_include'='dcity')") + val descFormatted3 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descFormatted3.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Exclude")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("st")) + } + descFormatted3.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("dcity")) + } + } + + test("test alter set for invalid complex type as include/exclude") { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int,st struct<s_id:int, + | s_name:int,s_city:array<int>>, dcity array<int>) + | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' + | tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='name', + | 'local_dictionary_enable'='true') + """. + stripMargin) + intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_exclude'='dcity')") + } + intercept[Exception] { + sql("alter table local1 set tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='st')") + } + } + + test("test alter unset for local dictionary disable") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int,add string) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable'='false') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enable")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("false")) + } + sql("alter table local1 unset tblproperties('local_dictionary_enable')") + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Enable")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("true")) + } + } + + test("test alter unset for local dictionary enable local dict include") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int,add string) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='city') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("city")) + } + sql("alter table local1 unset tblproperties('local_dictionary_include')") + val descLoc2 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc2.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("name,city")) + } + } + + test("test alter unset for local dictionary enable local dict exclude") + { + sql("drop table if exists local1") + sql( + """ + | CREATE TABLE local1(id int, name string, city string, age int,add string) + | STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('local_dictionary_include'='city', + | 'local_dictionary_exclude'='name') + """.stripMargin) + + val descLoc1 = sql("describe formatted local1").collect + descLoc1.find(_.get(0).toString.contains("Local Dictionary Include")) match { + case Some(row) => assert(row.get(1).toString.contains("city")) + } + sql("alter table local1 unset tblproperties('local_dictionary_include')") --- End diff -- handled in #2450 --- |
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