[GitHub] [carbondata] qiuchenjian commented on issue #3080: [CARBONDATA-3256] Fix that MV datamap doesn't take effect using avg expression and count expression

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[GitHub] [carbondata] qiuchenjian commented on issue #3080: [CARBONDATA-3256] Fix that MV datamap doesn't take effect using avg expression and count expression

qiuchenjian commented on issue #3080: [CARBONDATA-3256] Fix that MV datamap doesn't take effect using avg expression and count expression
URL: https://github.com/apache/carbondata/pull/3080#issuecomment-489382097
   1,illustrate that sum expression is height column, and count avg expression is age column  My mv of test case
   2,does you mean that if we use avg expression, we must create mv datamap with sum and count expression ?  But blow testcase is not right in common carbon version
     test("test avg mv") {
       sql("drop table if exists test_table")
       sql("create table test_table(name string, age int, height int,weight int) stored by 'carbondata'")
       sql("insert into test_table select 'tom',20,175,130")
       sql("insert into test_table select 'tom',22,185,150")
       sql("create datamap test_table_mv using 'mv' as select sum(age),count(age),name from test_table group by name")
       sql("rebuild datamap test_table_mv")
       val frame = sql("select count(age),avg(age),name from test_table group by name")
       val analyzed = frame.queryExecution.analyzed
       assert(verifyMVDataMap(analyzed, "test_table_mv"))
       checkAnswer(sql("select avg(age),name from test_table group by name"),
         Seq(Row(21.0, "tom")))
       sql("drop table if exists test_table")

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