ravipesala commented on a change in pull request #3339: [CARBONDATA-3480] Fixed unnecessary refresh for table by removing modified mdt file
File path: integration/spark2/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/CarbonFileMetastore.scala
@@ -672,4 +560,19 @@ class CarbonFileMetastore extends CarbonMetaStore {
case _ => throw new NoSuchTableException(tableIdentifier.database.get, tableIdentifier.table)
+ def removeStaleTimeStampEntries(sparkSession: SparkSession): Unit = {
+ val tablesList = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.listDatabases().flatMap {
+ database =>
+ sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.listTables(database)
+ .map(table => s"${ database }_${ table }")
+ }
+ val invalidTableIds = CarbonMetadata.getInstance().getAllTables.asScala.collect {
+ case carbonTable if !tablesList.contains(carbonTable.getTableUniqueName) =>
Review comment:
Make sure the table uniqueName is case insensitive
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