Hey Team,
I am trying to load the data in CSV with special char. But if some rows contains some special char at start and end, the whole value is ignore and inserted Null value. I am expecting this values insert as a string if the start and end char are not match with quote char. Following are the details:
CSV file:
name, description, salary, age, dob
tammy,$my name$,$900000$,22,19/10/2019
Create Table:
create table one (name string, description string, salary double, age int, dob timestamp) stored by 'carbondata';
load data:
load data local inpath 'hdfs://localhost:54310/home/harmeet/dollarquote1.csv' into table one OPTIONS('QUOTECHAR'="$");
Actual Results:
| name | description | dob | salary | age |
| tammy | my name | NULL | 900000.0 | 22 |
| tammy1 | delhi | NULL | 32345.0 | 22 |
| tammy2 | banglore | NULL | 543.0 | NULL |
5 rows selected (0.247 seconds)
Expected Results:
| name | description | dob | salary | age |
| tammy | my name | NULL | 900000.0 | 22 |
| tammy1 | delhi | NULL | 32345.0 | 22 |
| tammy2 | banglore | NULL | 543.0 | %22% |