> In the insert into and the update flow when static values are inserted then the preferred locations are coming empty
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: CARBONDATA-1915
> URL:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-1915> Project: CarbonData
> Issue Type: Bug
> Reporter: Akash R Nilugal
> Assignee: Akash R Nilugal
> Priority: Minor
> Time Spent: 20m
> Remaining Estimate: 0h
> 【Test step】:
> CREATE TABLE carbon_01(imei string,age int,task bigint,num double,level decimal(10,3),productdate timestamp)STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format';
> CREATE TABLE carbon_02(imei string,age int,task bigint,num double,level decimal(10,3),productdate timestamp,name string,point int)STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format';
> LOAD DATA INPATH 'hdfs://hacluster/mytest/moredata01.csv' INTO TABLE carbon_02 options ('DELIMITER'=',', 'QUOTECHAR'='"','FILEHEADER' = 'imei,age,task,num,level,productdate,name,point');
> insert into carbon_01 select imei,age,task,num,level,productdate from carbon_02 where age is not NULL;
> show segments for table carbon_01;
> select * from carbon_01;
> update carbon_01 set (imei) = ("RNG") where age <=0;
> select * from carbon_01;
> update carbon_01 set (imei) = ("SSG") where num in (15.5);
> select * from carbon_01;
> delete from carbon_01 where imei IN ('RNG','SSG');
> select * from carbon_01;
> result:update the table,then query table sometimes need long time to output result,or sometimes failed,if query failed,the JDBCServer master/standby will be changed
> update table then query table should working