[jira] [Closed] (CARBONDATA-2497) There are some error log when running CGDataMapTestCase

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[jira] [Closed] (CARBONDATA-2497) There are some error log when running CGDataMapTestCase

Akash R Nilugal (Jira)

     [ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2497?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

xuchuanyin closed CARBONDATA-2497.
    Resolution: Cannot Reproduce

> There are some error log when running CGDataMapTestCase
> -------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CARBONDATA-2497
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2497
>             Project: CarbonData
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: xubo245
>            Assignee: xuchuanyin
>            Priority: Major
> When running org.apache.carbondata.spark.testsuite.datamap.CGDataMapTestCase,there are some error log:
> {code:java}
> ERROR DataMapStoreManager: ScalaTest-run-running-CGDataMapTestCase failed to get carbon table from table Path
> 18/05/20 20:43:04 ERROR ColumnSchema: column name is name but other column name is city
> 18/05/20 20:43:04 ERROR ColumnSchema: column name is age but other column name is id
> {code}
> Detail:
> {code:java}
> 18/05/20 20:43:00 AUDIT CarbonCreateTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Creating Table with Database name [default] and Table name [normal_test]
> 18/05/20 20:43:00 ERROR DataMapStoreManager: ScalaTest-run failed to get carbon table from table Path
> 18/05/20 20:43:01 AUDIT CarbonCreateTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Table created with Database name [default] and Table name [normal_test]
> 18/05/20 20:43:01 AUDIT CarbonDataRDDFactory$: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Data load request has been received for table default.normal_test
> 18/05/20 20:43:02 ERROR ColumnSchema: column name is name but other column name is city
> 18/05/20 20:43:02 ERROR ColumnSchema: column name is age but other column name is id
> 18/05/20 20:43:04 AUDIT CarbonDataRDDFactory$: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Data load is successful for default.normal_test
> 18/05/20 20:43:04 AUDIT CarbonCreateTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Creating Table with Database name [default] and Table name [datamap_test_cg]
> 18/05/20 20:43:04 ERROR DataMapStoreManager: ScalaTest-run-running-CGDataMapTestCase failed to get carbon table from table Path
> 18/05/20 20:43:04 AUDIT CarbonCreateTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Table created with Database name [default] and Table name [datamap_test_cg]
> 18/05/20 20:43:04 AUDIT CarbonCreateDataMapCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]DataMap cgdatamap successfully added
> 18/05/20 20:43:04 AUDIT CarbonDataRDDFactory$: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Data load request has been received for table default.datamap_test_cg
> 18/05/20 20:43:04 ERROR ColumnSchema: column name is name but other column name is city
> 18/05/20 20:43:04 ERROR ColumnSchema: column name is age but other column name is id
> 18/05/20 20:43:06 AUDIT CarbonDataRDDFactory$: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Data load is successful for default.datamap_test_cg
> 18/05/20 20:43:07 AUDIT CarbonCreateTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Creating Table with Database name [default] and Table name [datamap_test]
> 18/05/20 20:43:07 ERROR DataMapStoreManager: ScalaTest-run-running-CGDataMapTestCase failed to get carbon table from table Path
> 18/05/20 20:43:07 AUDIT CarbonCreateTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Table created with Database name [default] and Table name [datamap_test]
> 18/05/20 20:43:07 AUDIT CarbonCreateDataMapCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]DataMap ggdatamap1 successfully added
> 18/05/20 20:43:07 AUDIT CarbonCreateDataMapCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]DataMap ggdatamap2 successfully added
> 18/05/20 20:43:07 AUDIT CarbonDataRDDFactory$: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Data load request has been received for table default.datamap_test
> 18/05/20 20:43:07 ERROR ColumnSchema: column name is name but other column name is city
> 18/05/20 20:43:07 ERROR ColumnSchema: column name is age but other column name is id
> 18/05/20 20:43:09 AUDIT CarbonDataRDDFactory$: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Data load is successful for default.datamap_test
> 18/05/20 20:43:09 AUDIT CarbonDropTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleting table [datamap_test] under database [default]
> 18/05/20 20:43:10 ERROR DataMapStoreManager: ScalaTest-run-running-CGDataMapTestCase failed to get carbon table from table Path
> 18/05/20 20:43:10 ERROR DataMapStoreManager: ScalaTest-run-running-CGDataMapTestCase failed to get carbon table from table Path
> 18/05/20 20:43:10 AUDIT CarbonDropTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleted table [datamap_test] under database [default]
> 18/05/20 20:43:10 AUDIT CarbonCreateTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Creating Table with Database name [default] and Table name [datamap_test]
> 18/05/20 20:43:10 AUDIT CarbonCreateTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Table created with Database name [default] and Table name [datamap_test]
> 18/05/20 20:43:10 AUDIT CarbonCreateDataMapCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]DataMap datamap1 successfully added
> 18/05/20 20:43:10 AUDIT CarbonCreateDataMapCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]DataMap datamap2 successfully added
> 18/05/20 20:43:10 AUDIT CarbonDataRDDFactory$: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Data load request has been received for table default.datamap_test
> 18/05/20 20:43:10 ERROR ColumnSchema: column name is name but other column name is city
> 18/05/20 20:43:10 ERROR ColumnSchema: column name is age but other column name is id
> 18/05/20 20:43:11 AUDIT CarbonDataRDDFactory$: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Data load is successful for default.datamap_test
> 18/05/20 20:43:11 AUDIT CacheProvider: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]The key carbon.datamap.visible.default.datamap_test.datamap1 with value false added in the session param
> 18/05/20 20:43:12 AUDIT CacheProvider: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]The key carbon.datamap.visible.default.datamap_test.datamap2 with value false added in the session param
> 18/05/20 20:43:12 AUDIT CacheProvider: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]The key carbon.datamap.visible.default.datamap_test.datamap1 with value true added in the session param
> 18/05/20 20:43:12 AUDIT CacheProvider: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]The key carbon.datamap.visible.default.datamap_test.datamap1 with value true added in the session param
> 18/05/20 20:43:12 AUDIT CarbonCreateTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Creating Table with Database name [default] and Table name [datamap_store_test]
> 18/05/20 20:43:12 ERROR DataMapStoreManager: ScalaTest-run-running-CGDataMapTestCase failed to get carbon table from table Path
> 18/05/20 20:43:12 AUDIT CarbonCreateTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Table created with Database name [default] and Table name [datamap_store_test]
> 18/05/20 20:43:12 AUDIT CarbonCreateDataMapCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]DataMap test_cg_datamap successfully added
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonCreateTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Creating Table with Database name [default] and Table name [datamap_store_test1]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 ERROR DataMapStoreManager: ScalaTest-run-running-CGDataMapTestCase failed to get carbon table from table Path
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonCreateTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Table created with Database name [default] and Table name [datamap_store_test1]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonCreateDataMapCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]DataMap test_cg_datamap1 successfully added
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonDropDataMapCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleting datamap [test_cg_datamap1] under table [datamap_store_test1]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonCreateTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Creating Table with Database name [default] and Table name [datamap_store_test2]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 ERROR DataMapStoreManager: ScalaTest-run-running-CGDataMapTestCase failed to get carbon table from table Path
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonCreateTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Table created with Database name [default] and Table name [datamap_store_test2]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonCreateDataMapCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]DataMap test_cg_datamap2 successfully added
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonDropDataMapCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleting datamap [test_cg_datamap2] under table [datamap_store_test2]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonDropTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleting table [normal_test] under database [default]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonDropTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleted table [normal_test] under database [default]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonDropTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleting table [datamap_test] under database [default]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 ERROR DataMapStoreManager: ScalaTest-run failed to get carbon table from table Path
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 ERROR DataMapStoreManager: ScalaTest-run failed to get carbon table from table Path
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonDropTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleted table [datamap_test] under database [default]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonDropTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleting table [datamap_test_cg] under database [default]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 ERROR DataMapStoreManager: ScalaTest-run failed to get carbon table from table Path
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonDropTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleted table [datamap_test_cg] under database [default]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonDropTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleting table [datamap_store_test] under database [default]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 ERROR DataMapStoreManager: ScalaTest-run failed to get carbon table from table Path
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonDropTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleted table [datamap_store_test] under database [default]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonDropTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleting table [datamap_store_test1] under database [default]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonDropTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleted table [datamap_store_test1] under database [default]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonDropTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleting table [datamap_store_test2] under database [default]
> 18/05/20 20:43:13 AUDIT CarbonDropTableCommand: [localhost][xubo][Thread-1]Deleted table [datamap_store_test2] under database [default]
> {code}

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