https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2819?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=16581850#comment-16581850 ]
Jacky Li edited comment on CARBONDATA-2819 at 8/16/18 2:36 AM:
Currently preagg schema is not written into _system folder, so when dropping datamap the logic in CarbonDropDataMapCommand maybe wrong.
I think for this issue, we can modify CarbonDropDataMapCommand in a simple way, but for long run, we need to consider whether to put preagg datamap schema also into _system folder so that the processing of it is unified
was (Author: jackylk):
Currently preagg schema is not written into _system folder, so when dropping datamap the logic in CarbonDropDataMapCommand maybe wrong.
I think for this issue, we can modify CarbonDropDataMapCommand in a simple way, but for long run, we need to consider whether to put preagg datamap also into _system folder
> cannot drop preagg datamap on table if the table has other index datamaps
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: CARBONDATA-2819
> URL:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2819> Project: CarbonData
> Issue Type: Improvement
> Affects Versions: 1.4.1
> Reporter: lianganping
> Priority: Major
> Time Spent: 7h 10m
> Remaining Estimate: 0h
> 1.create table student_test(id int,name string,class_number int,male int,female int) stored by 'carbondata';
> 2.create datamap dm1_preaggr_student_test ON TABLE student_test USING 'preaggregate' as select class_number,sum(male) from student_test group by class_number
> 3.create datamap dm_lucene_student_test on table student_test using 'lucene' dmproperties('index_columns' = 'name');
> 4.drop datamap dm1_preaggr_student_test on table student_test;
> and will get this error:
> Error: org.apache.carbondata.common.exceptions.sql.NoSuchDataMapException: Datamap with name dm1_preaggr_student_test does not exist (state=,code=0)
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