Chetan Bhat created CARBONDATA-1728:
Summary: (Carbon1.3.0- DB creation external path) - Delete data with select in where clause not successful for large data
URL: Project: CarbonData
Issue Type: Bug
Components: data-load
Affects Versions: 1.3.0
Environment: 3 node ant cluster
Reporter: Chetan Bhat
Steps :
0: jdbc:hive2://> create database test_db1 location 'hdfs://hacluster/user/test1';
| Result |
No rows selected (0.032 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://> use test_db1;
| Result |
No rows selected (0.01 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://> create table if not exists ORDERS(O_ORDERDATE string,O_ORDERPRIORITY string,O_ORDERSTATUS string,O_ORDERKEY string,O_CUSTKEY string,O_TOTALPRICE double,O_CLERK string,O_SHIPPRIORITY int,O_COMMENT string) STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' TBLPROPERTIES ('table_blocksize'='128');
| Result |
No rows selected (0.174 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://> load data inpath "hdfs://hacluster/chetan/orders.tbl.1" into table ORDERS options('DELIMITER'='|','FILEHEADER'='O_ORDERKEY,O_CUSTKEY,O_ORDERSTATUS,O_TOTALPRICE,O_ORDERDATE,O_ORDERPRIORITY,O_CLERK,O_SHIPPRIORITY,O_COMMENT','batch_sort_size_inmb'='32');
| Result |
No rows selected (27.421 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://> create table h_orders as select * from orders;
| Result |
No rows selected (9.779 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://> Delete from test_db1.orders a where exists (select 1 from test_db1.h_orders b where b.o_ORDERKEY=a.O_ORDERKEY);
| Result |
No rows selected (48.998 seconds)
select count(*) from test_db1.orders;
Actual Issue : Select count displays shows all records present which means the records are not deleted.
0: jdbc:hive2://> select count(*) from test_db1.orders;
| count(1) |
| 7500000 |
1 row selected (7.967 seconds)
This indicates Delete data with select in where clause not successful for large data.
Expected : The Delete data with select in where clause should be successful for large data. The select count should return 0 records which indicates that the records are deleted successfully.
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