jiangmanhua created CARBONDATA-2017:
Summary: Error occurs when loading multiple files
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2017 Project: CarbonData
Issue Type: Bug
Reporter: jiangmanhua
Priority: Minor
Carbon supports loading from multiple file paths at once, but we find that Carbon will throw an exception like "The input file does not exist" when loading multiple files on HDFS.
For example:
ex1: LOAD DATA INPATH '/data/source.csv,/data/source2.csv' INTO TABLE test_table
ex2: LOAD DATA INPATH 'hdfs://ha/data/source.csv,hdfs://ha/data/source2.csv' INTO TABLE test_table
ex1 will throw an exception saying that source2.csv does not exist.
ex2 will execute normally.
We found that carbon takes the PATH as a whole and checks its prefix before spliting it into multiplt paths. So the problem will be solved when we do the prefix checking job for each path after spliting PATH into multiplt paths.
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