Rahul Kumar created CARBONDATA-2081:
Summary: some time Spark-sql and beeline operation is not being reflected to each other.
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2081 Project: CarbonData
Issue Type: Bug
Reporter: Rahul Kumar
Assignee: Rahul Kumar
To realize this issue follow these steps :
+*Scenario: 1*+
1. open spark-sql and beeline.
2. create main table in spark-sql
3. create preaggreagate table in beeline.
4. drop main table in spark-sql.
5. perform 'show tables' operation . {color:#FF0000}PreAggregate table is still not deleted.{color}
+*Scenario: 2*+
perform following operation in same session:
{color:#008000}create table t5 (c1 string, c2 int) stored by 'carbondata'{color}
{color:#008000}insert into t5 select 'asd',1{color}
{color:#008000}alter table t5 rename to t6{color}
{color:#008000}create table t5 (c1 string, c2 int,c3 string) stored by 'carbondata'{color}
{color:#FF0000}insert into t5 select 'asd',1,'sdf' (query is failing)
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