xubo245 created CARBONDATA-2085:
----------------------------------- Summary: It's different between load twice and create datamap with load again after load data and create datamap Key: CARBONDATA-2085 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2085 Project: CarbonData Issue Type: Bug Components: core, spark-integration Affects Versions: 1.3.0 Reporter: xubo245 Fix For: 1.3.0 It's different between load twice and create datamap with load again after load data and create datamap {code:java} test("test if timeseries load twice is successful on table creation") { sql("drop table if exists mainTable") sql( """ | CREATE TABLE mainTable( | mytime timestamp, | name string, | age int) | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' """.stripMargin) sql(s"LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/timeseriestest.csv' into table mainTable") sql(s"LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/timeseriestest.csv' into table mainTable") sql( """ | create datamap agg0 on table mainTable | using 'preaggregate' | DMPROPERTIES ( | 'timeseries.eventTime'='mytime', | 'timeseries.hierarchy'='second=1,minute=1,hour=1,day=1,month=1,year=1') | as select mytime, sum(age) | from mainTable | group by mytime """.stripMargin) checkAnswer(sql("select * from maintable_agg0_second"), Seq(Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:01:30.0"), 20), Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:01:40.0"), 40), Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:01:50.0"), 60), Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:02:30.0"), 80), Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:02:40.0"), 100), Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:02:50.0"), 100))) } // TODO: to be fixed ignore("load data into mainTable after create timeseries datamap on table") { sql("drop table if exists mainTable") sql( """ | CREATE TABLE mainTable( | mytime timestamp, | name string, | age int) | STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' """.stripMargin) sql(s"LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/timeseriestest.csv' into table mainTable") sql( """ | create datamap agg0 on table mainTable | using 'preaggregate' | DMPROPERTIES ( | 'timeseries.eventTime'='mytime', | 'timeseries.hierarchy'='second=1,minute=1,hour=1,day=1,month=1,year=1') | as select mytime, sum(age) | from mainTable | group by mytime""".stripMargin) sql(s"LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/timeseriestest.csv' into table mainTable") // Discussed checkAnswer(sql("select * from maintable_agg0_second"), Seq(Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:01:30.0"), 20), Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:01:40.0"), 40), Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:01:50.0"), 60), Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:02:30.0"), 80), Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:02:40.0"), 100), Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:02:50.0"), 100))) //TODO: to be discussed, why is success? // checkAnswer(sql("select * from maintable_agg0_second"), // Seq(Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:01:30.0"), 10), // Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:01:40.0"), 20), // Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:01:50.0"), 30), // Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:02:30.0"), 40), // Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:02:40.0"), 50), // Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:02:50.0"), 50), // Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:01:30.0"), 10), // Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:01:40.0"), 20), // Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:01:50.0"), 30), // Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:02:30.0"), 40), // Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:02:40.0"), 50), // Row(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-02-23 01:02:50.0"), 50))) } {code} -- This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v7.6.3#76005) |
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