xuchuanyin created CARBONDATA-2110:
Summary: option of TempCsv should be removed since the default delimiter may conflicts with field value
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2110 Project: CarbonData
Issue Type: Bug
Components: data-load
Reporter: xuchuanyin
Currently in carbondata, an option named ‘tempCSV’ is available during loading dataframe.
After enabling this option, Carbondata will write the dataframe to a **standard** csv file at first and then load the data files.
The delimiters of the standard csv file, such as field delimiter / escape char/ quote char/ multi-line/ line separator and so on may conflict with the actual field value. For example, if a field contains ',', then it will cause problem to save the tempCSV using ',' as field separator.
So I think it's better to deprecate this option. To make forward compatible, user can still use this option but will get warning about it.
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