[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-2166) Default value of cutoff timestamp is wrong

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[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-2166) Default value of cutoff timestamp is wrong

Akash R Nilugal (Jira)
xuchuanyin created CARBONDATA-2166:

             Summary: Default value of cutoff timestamp is wrong
                 Key: CARBONDATA-2166
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2166
             Project: CarbonData
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: xuchuanyin
            Assignee: xuchuanyin

In the configuration-parameters.md, it says that the default value of `carbon.cutoffTimestamp` is `1970-01-01 05:30:00`. But actually in `TimeStampDirectDictionaryGenerator` it use empty as default value.


As  a result, some tests in module `SDVTests` ran failed in my local machine.

For example,  testcase of `BadRecord_Dataload_006` ran failed in maven but it ran successfully in IDE.


Besides, the TimeZone should also be set accordingly to make the tests right.

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