[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-2217) nullpointer issue drop partition where column does not exists and clean files issue after second level of compaction

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[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-2217) nullpointer issue drop partition where column does not exists and clean files issue after second level of compaction

Akash R Nilugal (Jira)
Akash R Nilugal created CARBONDATA-2217:

             Summary: nullpointer issue  drop partition where column does not exists and clean files issue after second level of compaction
                 Key: CARBONDATA-2217
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2217
             Project: CarbonData
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: core, spark-integration
            Reporter: Akash R Nilugal
            Assignee: Akash R Nilugal

1)when drop partition is fired for a column which does not exists , it throws null pointer exception

2)select * is not working when clean files operation is fired after second level of compaction

create table comp_dt2(id int,name string) partitioned by (dt date,c4 int) stored by 'carbondata';
insert into comp_dt2 select 1,'A','2001-01-01',1;
insert into comp_dt2 select 2,'B','2001-01-01',1;
insert into comp_dt2 select 3,'C','2002-01-01',2;
insert into comp_dt2 select 4,'D','2002-01-01',null;

insert into comp_dt2 select 5,'E','2003-01-01',3;
insert into comp_dt2 select 6,'F','2003-01-01',3;
insert into comp_dt2 select 7,'G','2003-01-01',4;
insert into comp_dt2 select 8,'H','2004-01-01','';

insert into comp_dt2 select 9,'H','2001-01-01',1;
insert into comp_dt2 select 10,'I','2002-01-01',null;
insert into comp_dt2 select 11,'J','2003-01-01',4;
insert into comp_dt2 select 12,'K','2003-01-01',5;


clean files for table comp_dt2;

select * from comp_dt2



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