[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-2453) Data write fails if complex data type contains a field with same name as any other field(not of same complex data type)

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[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-2453) Data write fails if complex data type contains a field with same name as any other field(not of same complex data type)

Akash R Nilugal (Jira)
Kunal Kapoor created CARBONDATA-2453:

             Summary: Data write fails if complex data type contains a field with same name as any other field(not of same complex data type)
                 Key: CARBONDATA-2453
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2453
             Project: CarbonData
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: Kunal Kapoor

val myaSchema=
 | "type": "record",
 | "name": "Order",
 | "namespace": "com.apache.schema",
 | "fields": [
 | {
 | "name": "id",
 | "type": "long"
 | },
 | {
 | "name": "date",
 | "type": "long"
 | },
 | {
 | "name": "entries",
 | "type": {
 | "type": "array",
 | "items": {
 | "type": "record",
 | "name": "Entry",
 | "fields": [
 | {
 | "name": "id",
 | "type": "long"
 | },
 | {
 | "name": "description",
 | "type": "string"
 | },
 | {
 | "name": "quantity",
 | "type": "int"
 | }
 | ]
 | }
 | }
 | }
 | ]

var json = """{"id": 1525693807954, "date": 1419058662391170, "entries": [{"id":
 1525693807954, "description": "Appliances", "quantity": 125}, {"id": 1525693807954,
 "description": "Electronics", "quantity": 250}]}

val nn = new org.apache.avro.Schema.Parser().parse(myaSchema)
val converter = new JsonAvroConverter
var record = converter
 .convertToGenericDataRecord(json.getBytes(CharEncoding.UTF_8), nn)

val fields = new Array[Field](3)
fields(0)=new Field("id", DataTypes.LONG)
fields(1)=new Field("date",DataTypes.DATE)

val fld_a = new java.util.ArrayList[StructField]
fld_a.add(new StructField("id", DataTypes.LONG))
fld_a.add(new StructField("desc", DataTypes.STRING))
fld_a.add(new StructField("QTY", DataTypes.INT))
fields(2)=new Field("entries", DataTypes.createStructType(fld_a))

try {
 val writer = CarbonWriter.builder.withSchema(new Schema(fields))
catch {
 case e: Exception => {

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