[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-2528) MV Datamap - When the MV is created with the order by, then when we execute the corresponding query defined in MV with order by, then the data is not accessed from the MV.

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[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-2528) MV Datamap - When the MV is created with the order by, then when we execute the corresponding query defined in MV with order by, then the data is not accessed from the MV.

Akash R Nilugal (Jira)
Prasanna Ravichandran created CARBONDATA-2528:

             Summary: MV Datamap - When the MV is created with the order by, then when we execute the corresponding query defined in MV with order by, then the data is not accessed from the MV.
                 Key: CARBONDATA-2528
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2528
             Project: CarbonData
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: data-query
         Environment: 3 node Opensource ANT cluster. (Opensource Hadoop 2.7.2+ Opensource Spark 2.2.1+ Opensource Carbondata 1.3.1)
            Reporter: Prasanna Ravichandran
         Attachments: MV_orderby.docx

When the MV is created with the order by condition, then when we execute the corresponding query defined in MV along with order by, then the data is not accessed from the MV. The data is being accessed from the maintable only. 

Test queries:

create datamap MV_order using 'mv' as select empno,sum(salary)+sum(utilization) as total from originTable group by empno order by empno;
create datamap MV_desc_order using 'mv' as select empno,sum(salary)+sum(utilization) as total from originTable group by empno order by empno DESC;
rebuild datamap MV_order;
rebuild datamap MV_desc_order;
explain select empno,sum(salary)+sum(utilization) as total from originTable group by empno order by empno;
explain select empno,sum(salary)+sum(utilization) as total from originTable group by empno order by empno DESC;

Expected result: MV with order by condition should access data from the MV table only.


Please see the attached document for more details.

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