Rahul Kumar created CARBONDATA-2603:
Summary: if creation of one CarbonReader for non-transactional table fails then we are not able to create new object of CarbonReader
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2603 Project: CarbonData
Issue Type: Improvement
Reporter: Rahul Kumar
Assignee: Rahul Kumar
*to reproduce follow the following steps :*
# create a carbonReader for non transactional Table and give the wrong projection column name (so that it will fail).
# create another carbonReader for non-transactional table with correct values.
Expectation : Second reader should be successfully created
Actual : creation of second carbonReader is failing with following exception.
TestCase to reproduce the issue ;
{{Field[] fields = new Field[] { new Field("c1", "string"),}}
{{ new Field("c2", "int") };}}
{{Schema schema = new Schema(fields);}}
{{CarbonWriterBuilder builder = CarbonWriter.builder();}}
{{CarbonWriter carbonWriter =}}
{{ builder.outputPath("D:/mydata").isTransactionalTable(false).uniqueIdentifier(12345)}}
{{ .buildWriterForCSVInput(schema);}}
{{carbonWriter.write(new String[] \{ "MNO", "100" });}}
{{Field[] fields1 = new Field[] { new Field("p1", "string"),}}
{{ new Field("p2", "int") };}}
{{Schema schema1 = new Schema(fields1);}}
{{CarbonWriterBuilder builder1 = CarbonWriter.builder();}}
{{CarbonWriter carbonWriter1 =}}
{{ builder1.outputPath("D:/mydata1").isTransactionalTable(false).uniqueIdentifier(12345)}}
{{ .buildWriterForCSVInput(schema1);}}
{{carbonWriter1.write(new String[] \{ "PQR", "200" });}}
{{try {}}
{{ CarbonReader reader =}}
{{ CarbonReader.builder("D:/mydata", "_temp").}}
{{ projection(new String[] \{ "c1", "c3" })}}
{{ .isTransactionalTable(false).build();}}
{{} catch (Exception e){}}
{{ System.out.println("Success");}}
{{CarbonReader reader1 =}}
{{ CarbonReader.builder("D:/mydata1", "_temp1")}}
{{ .projection(new String[] \{ "p1", "p2" })}}
{{ .isTransactionalTable(false).build();}}
{{while (reader1.hasNext()) {}}
{{ Object[] row1 = (Object[]) reader1.readNextRow();}}
{{ System.out.println(row1[0]);}}
{{ System.out.println(row1[1]);}}
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