Rahul Kumar created CARBONDATA-2631:
Summary: Update on the CTAS table is failing sporadically.
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2631 Project: CarbonData
Issue Type: Improvement
Reporter: Rahul Kumar
Assignee: Rahul Kumar
*CTAS from Hive table:*
drop table if exists employee_h;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employee_h ( eid int, name String,salary String, destination String,doj date, toj timestamp, abc decimal(8,2), test BIGINT) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
insert into employee_h select 1,'rev','1000','ban','1999-01-12','1999-02-10 05:25:00',123456.25,564789;
insert into employee_h select 2,'rev','1000','ban','2012-01-01','2012-02-10 05:25:00',123456.25,564789;
select * from employee_h;
drop table if exists hive_tprop;
create table hive_tprop stored by 'carbondata' TBLPROPERTIES('DICTIONARY_INCLUDE'='eid','DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE'='name','No_Inverted_Index'='name','SORT_SCOPE'='global_sort') as select eid , name ,salary, destination, doj, toj, abc, test from employee_h;
describe formatted hive_tprop;
select * from hive_tprop;
alter table hive_tprop rename to hive_tprop1;
alter table hive_tprop1 rename to hive_tprop;
alter table hive_tprop add columns (new_col string);
alter table hive_tprop add columns (new_col1 int);
alter table hive_tprop change new_col1 new_col1 BIGINT;
alter table hive_tprop change abc abc decimal(9,3);
select * from hive_tprop limit 1;
insert into hive_tprop select 1,'rev','1000','ban','1999-01-12','1999-02-10 05:25:00',123456.25,564789,'revathi',12346;
update hive_tprop set (eid)=(3);
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