wangsen created CARBONDATA-2646:
Summary: While loading data into into a table with 'SORT_COLUMN_BOUNDS' property, 'ERROR' flag is displayed instead of 'WARN' flag.
URL: Project: CarbonData
Issue Type: Bug
Components: data-load
Affects Versions: 1.4.0
Reporter: wangsen
Assignee: wangsen
Fix For: 1.4.1
【Test step】:
1. Create a table with 'sort_column' tblproperty.
2. Load data into that table with the 'SORT_COLUMN_BOUNDS' property.
Test queries:
drop table if exists sortcolumnboundtable1;
CREATE TABLE sortcolumnboundtable1 (ID Int, date Timestamp, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int) STORED BY 'carbondata' tblproperties('sort_columns'='ID,name');
LOAD DATA INPATH '/user/prasanna/source_for_sort_column_bounds.csv' INTO TABLE sortcolumnboundtable1 OPTIONS('fileheader'='ID,date,country,name,phonetype,serialname,salary','sort_column_bounds'='10,aab1;20,aab1;100,aab1;1000,aab1','timestampformat'='yyyy/MM/dd');
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