[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-2735) Performance issue for complex array data type when number of elements in array is more

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[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-2735) Performance issue for complex array data type when number of elements in array is more

Akash R Nilugal (Jira)
kumar vishal created CARBONDATA-2735:

             Summary: Performance issue for complex array data type when number of elements in array is more
                 Key: CARBONDATA-2735
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2735
             Project: CarbonData
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: kumar vishal


Query is taking more time when number of elements in array type is more.

*Root Cause*

This is because offset of array values are stored in list and when number of elements are high creating a bigĀ list to store offset is taking more timeĀ 


Instead of list use column page to store offset so when number of elements are high there will not be any gc.

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