Chetan Bhat created CARBONDATA-2804:
Summary: Incorrect error message when bloom filter tried to be created on older version stores
URL: Project: CarbonData
Issue Type: Bug
Components: data-query
Affects Versions: 1.4.1
Environment: Spark 2.1
Reporter: Chetan Bhat
Steps :
User creates a table with V1 version store and loads data to the table.
create table brinjal (imei string,AMSize string,channelsId string,ActiveCountry string, Activecity string,gamePointId double,deviceInformationId double,productionDate Timestamp,deliveryDate timestamp,deliverycharge double) STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format' TBLPROPERTIES('table_blocksize'='1');
LOAD DATA INPATH 'hdfs://hacluster/chetan/vardhandaterestruct.csv' INTO TABLE brinjal OPTIONS('DELIMITER'=',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '"','BAD_RECORDS_ACTION'='FORCE','FILEHEADER'= 'imei,deviceInformationId,AMSize,channelsId,ActiveCountry,Activecity,gamePointId,productionDate,deliveryDate,deliverycharge');
In 1.4.1 version user refreshes the table with V1 store and tries to create a bloom filter datamap.
CREATE DATAMAP dm_brinjal ON TABLE brinjal2 USING 'bloomfilter' DMPROPERTIES ('INDEX_COLUMNS' = 'AMSize', 'BLOOM_SIZE'='640000', 'BLOOM_FPP'='0.00001');
Issue : Bloom filter datamap fails with incorrect error message.
0: jdbc:hive2://> CREATE DATAMAP dm_brinjal ON TABLE brinjal2 USING 'bloomfilter' DMPROPERTIES ('INDEX_COLUMNS' = 'AMSize', 'BLOOM_SIZE'='640000', 'BLOOM_FPP'='0.00001');
Error: org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolException: Required field 'version' was not found in serialized data! Struct: org.apache.carbondata.format.FileHeader$FileHeaderStandardScheme@4d5aa8b2 (state=,code=0)
Expected : Correct error message should be displayed when bloom filter creation is blocked/fails.
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