Kunal Kapoor created CARBONDATA-3134:
Summary: Wrong result when a column is dropped and added using alter with blocklet cache.
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-3134 Project: CarbonData
Issue Type: Bug
Reporter: Kunal Kapoor
Assignee: Kunal Kapoor
*Steps to reproduce:*
spark.sql("drop table if exists tile")
spark.sql("create table tile(b int, s int,bi bigint, t timestamp) partitioned by (i int) stored by 'carbondata' TBLPROPERTIES ('DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE'='b,s,i,bi,t','SORT_COLUMS'='b,s,i,bi,t', 'cache_level'='blocklet')")
spark.sql("load data inpath 'C:/Users/k00475610/Documents/en_all.csv' into table tile options('fileheader'='b,s,i,bi,t','DELIMITER'=',')")
spark.sql("select * from tile")
spark.sql("alter table tile drop columns(t)")
spark.sql("alter table tile add columns(t timestamp)")
spark.sql("load data inpath 'C:/Users/k00475610/Documents/en_all.csv' into table tile options('fileheader'='b,s,i,bi,t','DELIMITER'=',')")
spark.sql("select * from tile").show()
*| b| s| bi| t| i|*
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