suyash yadav created CARBONDATA-3354:
Summary: how to use filiters in datamaps
URL: Project: CarbonData
Issue Type: Task
Components: core
Affects Versions: 1.5.2
Environment: apache carbon data 1.5.x
Reporter: suyash yadav
Fix For: NONE
Hi Team,
We are doing a POC on apache carbon data so that we can verify if this database is capable of handling amount of data we are collecting form network devices.
We are stuck on few of our datamap related activities and have below queries:
# How to use timiebased filters while creating datamap.We tried a time based condition while creating a datamap but it didn't work.
# How to create a timeseries datamap with column which is having value of epoch time.Our query is like below:- *carbon.sql("CREATE DATAMAP test ON TABLE carbon_RT_test USING 'timeseries' DMPROPERTIES ('event_time'='endMs','minute_granularity'='1',) AS SELECT sum(inOctets) FROM carbon_RT_test GROUP BY inIfId")*
# *In above query endMs is having epoch time value.*
# We got an error like below: "Timeseries event time is only supported on Timestamp column"
# Also we need to know if we can have a time granularity other then 1 like in above query, can we have minute_granularity='5*'.*
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