> Support CarbonCli tool for data summary
> ---------------------------------------
> Key: CARBONDATA-2916
> URL:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-2916> Project: CarbonData
> Issue Type: New Feature
> Reporter: Jacky Li
> Priority: Major
> Fix For: 1.5.0
> Time Spent: 10h 20m
> Remaining Estimate: 0h
> When I am tuning carbon performance, very often that I want to check the metadata in carbon files without launching spark shell or sql. In order to do that, I am writing a tool to print metadata information of a given data folder.
> Currently, I am planning to do like this:
> usage: CarbonCli
> -a,--all print all information
> -b,--tblProperties print table properties
> -c,--column <column name> column to print statistics
> -cmd <command name> command to execute, supported commands are:
> summary
> -d,--detailSize print each blocklet size
> -h,--help print this message
> -m,--showSegment print segment information
> -p,--path <path> the path which contains carbondata files,
> nested folder is supported
> -s,--schema print the schema
> In first phase, I think “summary” command is high priority, and developers can add more command in the future.