[jira] [Updated] (CARBONDATA-1918) Incorrect data is displayed when String is updated using Sentences

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[jira] [Updated] (CARBONDATA-1918) Incorrect data is displayed when String is updated using Sentences

Akash R Nilugal (Jira)

     [ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-1918?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

dhatchayani updated CARBONDATA-1918:
update t_carbn01 set (active_status)= (sentences('Hello there! How are you?'));
| Result  |
No rows selected (2.784 seconds)
select active_status from t_carbn01;
|          active_status          |
*| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
*| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
*| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
*| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
*| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
*| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
*| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
*| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
*| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
*| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*


The issue for sentences function also occurs when the below update is performed.
  update t_carbn01 set (active_status)= (split('ab', 'a'));

> Incorrect data is displayed when String is updated using Sentences
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CARBONDATA-1918
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-1918
>             Project: CarbonData
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: dhatchayani
>            Assignee: dhatchayani
>            Priority: Minor
>          Time Spent: 3h 20m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> update t_carbn01 set (active_status)= (sentences('Hello there! How are you?'));
> +---------+--+
> | Result  |
> +---------+--+
> +---------+--+
> No rows selected (2.784 seconds)
> select active_status from t_carbn01;
> +---------------------------------+--+
> |          active_status          |
> +---------------------------------+--+
> *| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
> *| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
> *| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
> *| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
> *| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
> *| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
> *| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
> *| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
> *| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
> *| Hello\:there\\$How\:are\:you\\  |*
> +---------------------------------+–+
> The issue for sentences function also occurs when the below update is performed.
>   update t_carbn01 set (active_status)= (split('ab', 'a'));

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