[jira] [Updated] (CARBONDATA-3125) Find minor bug or raise some small requirements/features, and then implement them

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[jira] [Updated] (CARBONDATA-3125) Find minor bug or raise some small requirements/features, and then implement them

Akash R Nilugal (Jira)

     [ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-3125?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

xubo245 updated CARBONDATA-3125:
Find minor bug or raise some small requirements/features, and then implement them
This jira concludes all related JIRA, which is convenient for new user to learning and become CarbonData contributor!

I list related issues as following:

|| type|| example||owder||status||
|link error| CARBONDATA-3111 |Rebie_Kong|merged|
|add documentation for feature,optimize documentation|not yet |not yet |not yet |
| dependency error on pom|CARBONDATA-3120|JonationWei|merged|
| spell error in code|CARBONDATA-3126|not yet |not yet |
| fix code warning|not yet |not yet |not yet |
| bugs / issues|not yet |not yet |not yet |
| feature/requirement|not yet |not yet |not yet |
| enhancement, for example: CARBONDATA-3119 |张源, zy65662969|raised jira|
| TODO work|not yet |not yet |not yet |
 |  others|not yet |not yet |not yet |

Find minor bug or raise some small requirements/features, and then implement them
This jira concludes all related JIRA, which is convenient for new user to learning and become CarbonData contributor!

I list related issues as following:

||Heading 1||Heading 2||
|Col A1|Col A2|
|| type|| example||owder||status||
|link error| CARBONDATA-3111 |Rebie_Kong|merged|
|add documentation for feature,optimize documentation|not yet |not yet |not yet |
# dependency error on pom, for example: CARBONDATA-3120
# spell error in code, for example: CARBONDATA-3126
# fix code warning
# bugs / issues
# feature/requirement
# enhancement, for example: CARBONDATA-3119
# TODO work
   ... and so so

> Find minor bug or raise some small requirements/features, and then implement them
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CARBONDATA-3125
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-3125
>             Project: CarbonData
>          Issue Type: Task
>            Reporter: xubo245
>            Priority: Major
> Find minor bug or raise some small requirements/features, and then implement them
> This jira concludes all related JIRA, which is convenient for new user to learning and become CarbonData contributor!
> I list related issues as following:
> || type|| example||owder||status||
> |link error| CARBONDATA-3111 |Rebie_Kong|merged|
> |add documentation for feature,optimize documentation|not yet |not yet |not yet |
> | dependency error on pom|CARBONDATA-3120|JonationWei|merged|
> | spell error in code|CARBONDATA-3126|not yet |not yet |
> | fix code warning|not yet |not yet |not yet |
> | bugs / issues|not yet |not yet |not yet |
> | feature/requirement|not yet |not yet |not yet |
> | enhancement, for example: CARBONDATA-3119 |张源, zy65662969|raised jira|
> | TODO work|not yet |not yet |not yet |
>  |  others|not yet |not yet |not yet |

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