hello all:
i am use carbondata with 1.2.0,spark with 1.6.0.
in my test case
1.Creating a Table
cc.sql("create table IF NOT EXISTS test.table5(id string,name
String,city String,age int) stored by 'carbondata' *
tblproperties('DICTIONARY_INCLUDE' = 'age')* ")
2.load csv data into table,data like this:
3.select from sparksql,result is :
| id | name | city | age |
| 1 | david | shenzhen | 31 |
| 3 | jarry | wuhan | 35 |
| 88 | eason | shenzhen | 27 |
this result is correct
4.select from presto,result is:
id | name | city | age
1 | david | shenzhen | 3
3 | jarry | wuhan | 4
88 | eason | shenzhen | 2
(3 rows)
look at the age field,is wrong
I know why this happens because I used dictionary encoding in the age field。
Can anyone help me with this problem?
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