[GitHub] carbondata issue #1801: [HOTFIX] [CARBONDATA-2027] Fix the Failing Concurren...

Posted by qiuchenjian-2 on
URL: http://apache-carbondata-dev-mailing-list-archive.168.s1.nabble.com/GitHub-carbondata-pull-request-1801-HOTFIX-CARBONDATA-2027-Fix-the-Failing-Co-tp35045p35094.html

Github user anubhav100 commented on the issue:

    @jackylk  please review i have corrected the data rentention test cases and club the TestInsertUpdateConcurrentTest and TestInsertOverwriteAndCompaction test case but even after taking the future out  in all test cases,test cases of TestInsertUpdateConcurrentTest is failing randomly only in ci not on local may be because any one of the two threads one which is running update and other one which is executing insert overwrite get executed first which is not correct scenario insert overwrite must get executed first. please suggest?
