[GitHub] carbondata pull request #2756: [CARBONDATA-2966]Update Documentation For Avr...
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qiuchenjian-2 on
URL: http://apache-carbondata-dev-mailing-list-archive.168.s1.nabble.com/GitHub-carbondata-pull-request-2756-CARBONDATA-2966-Update-Documentation-For-Avr-tp63318p63514.html
Github user Indhumathi27 commented on a diff in the pull request:
--- Diff: docs/configuration-parameters.md ---
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ This section provides the details of all the configurations required for the Car
| carbon.lock.type | LOCALLOCK | This configuration specifies the type of lock to be acquired during concurrent operations on table. There are following types of lock implementation: - LOCALLOCK: Lock is created on local file system as file. This lock is useful when only one spark driver (thrift server) runs on a machine and no other CarbonData spark application is launched concurrently. - HDFSLOCK: Lock is created on HDFS file system as file. This lock is useful when multiple CarbonData spark applications are launched and no ZooKeeper is running on cluster and HDFS supports file based locking. |
| carbon.lock.path | TABLEPATH | This configuration specifies the path where lock files have to be created. Recommended to configure zookeeper lock type or configure HDFS lock path(to this property) in case of S3 file system as locking is not feasible on S3. |
| carbon.unsafe.working.memory.in.mb | 512 | CarbonData supports storing data in off-heap memory for certain operations during data loading and query.This helps to avoid the Java GC and thereby improve the overall performance.The Minimum value recommeded is 512MB.Any value below this is reset to default value of 512MB.**NOTE:** The below formulas explain how to arrive at the off-heap size required.<u>Memory Required For Data Loading:</u>(*carbon.number.of.cores.while.loading*) * (Number of tables to load in parallel) * (*offheap.sort.chunk.size.inmb* + *carbon.blockletgroup.size.in.mb* + *carbon.blockletgroup.size.in.mb*/3.5 ). <u>Memory required for Query:</u>SPARK_EXECUTOR_INSTANCES * (*carbon.blockletgroup.size.in.mb* + *carbon.blockletgroup.size.in.mb* * 3.5) * spark.executor.cores |
+| carbon.unsafe.driver.working.memory.in.mb | 60% of JVM Heap Memory | CarbonData supports storing data in unsafe on-heap memory in driver for certain operations like insert into, query for loading datamap cache. The Minimum value recommended is 512MB. |
--- End diff --
Okay. I think parameter description has covered all the questions which are applicable