Apache CarbonData JIRA issues

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[GitHub] [carbondata] dhatchayani commented on a change in pull request #3262: [CARBONDATA-3415] Merge index is not working for partition table. Merge index for partition table is taking significantly longer time than normal table. by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3181: [CARBONDATA-3356] Support decimal for json schema and Provide better exception for users to solve problem when carbonData DataSource read SDK files with varchar by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3262: [CARBONDATA-3415] Merge index is not working for partition table. Merge index for partition table is taking significantly longer time than normal table. by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3181: [CARBONDATA-3356] Support decimal for json schema and Provide better exception for users to solve problem when carbonData DataSource read SDK files with varchar by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3181: [CARBONDATA-3356] Support decimal for json schema and Provide better exception for users to solve problem when carbonData DataSource read SDK files with varchar by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3253: [CARBONDATA-3410] Add UDF, Hex/Base64 SQL functions for binary by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] akashrn5 commented on issue #3268: [CARBONDATA-3421] Fix create table without column with properties failed, but throw incorrect exception by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3181: [CARBONDATA-3356] Support decimal for json schema and Provide better exception for users to solve problem when carbonData DataSource read SDK files with varchar by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] ravipesala commented on issue #3245: [CARBONDATA-3398] Handled show cache for index server and MV by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] kevinjmh commented on a change in pull request #3278: [CARBONDATA-3427] Beautify DAG by showing less text by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] kevinjmh commented on a change in pull request #3278: [CARBONDATA-3427] Beautify DAG by showing less text by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] KanakaKumar commented on issue #3181: [CARBONDATA-3356] Support decimal for json schema and Provide better exception for users to solve problem when carbonData DataSource read SDK files with varchar by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3244: [WIP] update pre insert into rule as per spark by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3229: [HOTFIX] Fixed count(*) issue when MV is created with simple projection. by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3253: [CARBONDATA-3410] Add UDF, Hex/Base64 SQL functions for binary by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3244: [WIP] update pre insert into rule as per spark by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] lamber-ken commented on issue #3267: [HOTFIX] optimize the presto module name by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] ajantha-bhat commented on issue #3267: [HOTFIX] optimize the presto module name by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3279: [DO NOT MERGE] CI test for pr3209 by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3229: [HOTFIX] Fixed count(*) issue when MV is created with simple projection. by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3244: [WIP] update pre insert into rule as per spark by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3181: [CARBONDATA-3356] Support decimal for json schema and Provide better exception for users to solve problem when carbonData DataSource read SDK files with varchar by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] KanakaKumar commented on a change in pull request #3278: [CARBONDATA-3427] Beautify DAG by showing less text by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] kevinjmh commented on a change in pull request #3278: [CARBONDATA-3427] Beautify DAG by showing less text by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] KanakaKumar commented on a change in pull request #3181: [CARBONDATA-3356] Support decimal for json schema and Provide better exception for users to solve problem when carbonData DataSource read SDK files with varchar by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] KanakaKumar commented on a change in pull request #3181: [CARBONDATA-3356] Support decimal for json schema and Provide better exception for users to solve problem when carbonData DataSource read SDK files with varchar by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] ajantha-bhat commented on a change in pull request #3278: [CARBONDATA-3427] Beautify DAG by showing less text by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] KanakaKumar commented on a change in pull request #3181: [CARBONDATA-3356] Support decimal for json schema and Provide better exception for users to solve problem when carbonData DataSource read SDK files with varchar by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA commented on issue #3279: [DO NOT MERGE] CI test for pr3209 by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] ajantha-bhat commented on a change in pull request #3278: [CARBONDATA-3427] Beautify DAG by showing less text by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] kevinjmh commented on a change in pull request #3278: [CARBONDATA-3427] Beautify DAG by showing less text by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] ajantha-bhat commented on a change in pull request #3278: [CARBONDATA-3427] Beautify DAG by showing less text by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] ajantha-bhat commented on a change in pull request #3278: [CARBONDATA-3427] Beautify DAG by showing less text by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] xubo245 commented on a change in pull request #3181: [CARBONDATA-3356] Support decimal for json schema and Provide better exception for users to solve problem when carbonData DataSource read SDK files with varchar by GitBox
by GitBox
[GitHub] [carbondata] kevinjmh commented on a change in pull request #3278: [CARBONDATA-3427] Beautify DAG by showing less text by GitBox
by GitBox
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