+1 for carbondata to support prestoSQL.
As prestoSQL community is very active and prestoDB is more restricted to
only facebook driven changes.
However we need to take a call now, whether carbondata needs to supports
both prestoDB and prestoSQL in future?
I think supporting only prestoSQL is good enough as users are migrating to
and prestodb can still use older version of carbondata.
On Mon, May 6, 2019 at 6:26 PM Naman Rastogi <
[hidden email]>
> As we all know, *Presto Software Foundation (presto sql) *has been formed
> recently in Jan 2019. and is currently very active in taking and
> implementing many open source features like support for Hive 3.0, Hadoop
> 3.2.0. Support for Hive 3.1 is also in progress.
> Now, old Presto DB is only used by Facebook.
> So, it is better for CarbonData to support Presto SQL instead of Presto DB.
> I have raised a PR
https://github.com/apache/carbondata/pull/3205 to
> migrate CarbonData code to support Presto SQL 310 instead of Presto DB
> 0.217.
> Any suggestions/opinions from the community is greatly appreciated.
> Regards
> Naman Rastogi