Github user QiangCai commented on a diff in the pull request:
--- Diff: docs/ ---
@@ -330,6 +330,14 @@ This tutorial is going to introduce all commands and data operations on CarbonDa
+ - **HEADER:** When you load the CSV file without the file header and the file header is the same with the table schema, then add 'HEADER'='false' to load data SQL as user need not provide the file header. By default the value is 'true'.
+ false: CSV file is without file header.
+ true: CSV file is with file header.
+ ```
+ OPTIONS('HEADER'='false')
+ ```
- **FILEHEADER:** Headers can be provided in the LOAD DATA command if headers are missing in the source files.
--- End diff --
suggest mentioning: If HEADER option exists and the value is true, not require FILEHEADER option.