[GitHub] carbondata pull request #2116: [Documentation] The syntax and the example is...

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[GitHub] carbondata pull request #2116: [Documentation] The syntax and the example is...

GitHub user sgururajshetty opened a pull request:


    [Documentation] The syntax and the example is corrected

    Overwrite syntax and examples where corrected as it was throwing error

You can merge this pull request into a Git repository by running:

    $ git pull https://github.com/sgururajshetty/carbondata Syntax_correction

Alternatively you can review and apply these changes as the patch at:


To close this pull request, make a commit to your master/trunk branch
with (at least) the following in the commit message:

    This closes #2116
commit b9ad02b94f9ab8293143125cdf60bc4a2c7d515b
Author: sgururajshetty <sgururajshetty@...>
Date:   2018-03-30T12:14:05Z

    The syntax and the example is corrected as it was throwing error


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[GitHub] carbondata issue #2116: [Documentation] The syntax and the example is correc...

Github user CarbonDataQA commented on the issue:

    Build Success with Spark 2.1.0, Please check CI

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[GitHub] carbondata issue #2116: [Documentation] The syntax and the example is correc...

In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user ravipesala commented on the issue:

    SDV Build Success , Please check CI

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[GitHub] carbondata issue #2116: [Documentation] The syntax and the example is correc...

In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user CarbonDataQA commented on the issue:

    Build Success with Spark 2.2.1, Please check CI

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[GitHub] carbondata pull request #2116: [Documentation] The syntax and the example is...

In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user asfgit closed the pull request at:

