[GitHub] carbondata pull request #2618: [CARBONDATA-2819] Fixed cannot drop preagg da...

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[GitHub] carbondata pull request #2618: [CARBONDATA-2819] Fixed cannot drop preagg da...

GitHub user lianganping opened a pull request:


    [CARBONDATA-2819] Fixed cannot drop preagg datamap on table if the tab…

    1.Use "SET carbon.datamap.visible.{dbName}.{mainTable}.{datamapName} = {true or false}",if datamap provider is 'preagg',block this configuration.
    2.When create preagg datamap, now also create its datamap schema file in system folder.
    3.Use command "show datamap on table {tableName}" will get its all datamaps from datamap schema files
    Be sure to do all of the following checklist to help us incorporate
    your contribution quickly and easily:
     - [ ] Any interfaces changed? No
     - [ ] Any backward compatibility impacted? No
     - [ ] Document update required? No
     - [ ] Testing done NA
            Please provide details on
            - Whether new unit test cases have been added or why no new tests are required?
            - How it is tested? Please attach test report.
            - Is it a performance related change? Please attach the performance test report.
            - Any additional information to help reviewers in testing this change.
     - [ ] For large changes, please consider breaking it into sub-tasks under an umbrella JIRA.

You can merge this pull request into a Git repository by running:

    $ git pull https://github.com/Sssan520/carbondata droppreagg

Alternatively you can review and apply these changes as the patch at:


To close this pull request, make a commit to your master/trunk branch
with (at least) the following in the commit message:

    This closes #2618
commit 7884ba86f13b89fb23895400bbac12eaa4e62546
Author: Sssan520 <liangap2008@...>
Date:   2018-08-08T06:27:41Z

    [CARBONDATA-2819]Fixed cannot drop preagg datamap on table if the table has other index datamaps


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[GitHub] carbondata issue #2618: [CARBONDATA-2819] Fixed cannot drop preagg datamap o...

Github user CarbonDataQA commented on the issue:

    Can one of the admins verify this patch?

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[GitHub] carbondata pull request #2618: [CARBONDATA-2819] Fixed cannot drop preagg da...

In reply to this post by qiuchenjian-2
Github user lianganping closed the pull request at:

