Apache CarbonData Dev Mailing List archive

This forum is an archive for the mailing list dev@carbondata.apache.org
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Topics (34600)
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[GitHub] [carbondata] ShreelekhyaG opened a new pull request #4047: [CARBONDATA-4078] Add external segment and query with index server fails by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA2 commented on pull request #1413: [CARBONDATA-1548] resolved bug for creating table with spaces using datasource by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Resolved] (CARBONDATA-4080) Wrong results for select count on invalid segments by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] akkio-97 opened a new pull request #4050: [WIP] select count marked for delete segments by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Resolved] (CARBONDATA-4077) Insert into partition with FileMergeSortComparator is failing with NPE by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] Indhumathi27 opened a new pull request #4039: [WIP] Refactor and Fix Insert into partition issue with FileMergeSortComparator by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Resolved] (CARBONDATA-4087) Issue with huge data(exceeding 32K records) after enabling local dictionary by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Resolved] (CARBONDATA-4081) Clean files considering files apart from .segment files while cleaning stale segments and moving them to trash by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] CarbonDataQA2 commented on pull request #3021: [CARBONDATA-3193] Cdh5.14.2 spark2.2.0 support by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] akkio-97 opened a new pull request #4055: Handled issue with huge data(exceeding 32K records) after enabling local dictionary by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] vikramahuja1001 opened a new pull request #4051: [WIP] Only consider .segment files for stale segments by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-4090) After compaction interrupted accidentally, compact again and still fail, third time compaction can succeed but the new segment for SI table data size and index size is zero by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-4089) Create table with location, if the location didn't have schema, the default will be local file system, which is not the file system defined by defaultFS by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-4088) Drop metacache didn't clear some cache information which leads to memory leak by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Updated] (CARBONDATA-4087) Issue with huge data(exceeding 32K records) after enabling local dictionary by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Updated] (CARBONDATA-4087) Issue with huge data(exceeding 32K records) after enabling local dictionary by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-4087) Issue with huge data(exceeding 32K records) after enabling local dictionary by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-4086) Force user to Resuse file factorty carbonFile object by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Resolved] (CARBONDATA-4069) Alter table set streaming=true should not be allowed on SI table or table having SI. by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Resolved] (CARBONDATA-4068) Alter table set long string should not allowed on SI column. by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] nihal0107 opened a new pull request #4042: [CARBONDATA-4069] handled set streaming for SI table or table having SI. by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Created] (CARBONDATA-4085) How to improve query execution time further by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Resolved] (CARBONDATA-4031) Query result is incorrect after Delete and Insert overwrite by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Comment Edited] (CARBONDATA-4031) Query result is incorrect after Delete and Insert overwrite by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Comment Edited] (CARBONDATA-4031) Query result is incorrect after Delete and Insert overwrite by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Commented] (CARBONDATA-4031) Query result is incorrect after Delete and Insert overwrite by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[GitHub] [carbondata] vikramahuja1001 opened a new pull request #4053: [WIP] Fix for filestatus null by GitBox
by GitBox
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Commented] (CARBONDATA-4031) Query result is incorrect after Delete and Insert overwrite by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Commented] (CARBONDATA-4058) create or insert data into the carbon table through Hive throw NPE by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Updated] (CARBONDATA-4084) Error when loading string field with high cardinary by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Updated] (CARBONDATA-4084) Error when loading string field with high cardinary by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[DISCUSSION] Geo spatial index algorithm improvement and UDFs enhancement by haomarch
by haomarch
[jira] [Updated] (CARBONDATA-4084) Error when loading string field with high cardinary by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Updated] (CARBONDATA-4084) Error when loading string field with high cardinary by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
[jira] [Updated] (CARBONDATA-4084) Error when loading string field with high cardinary by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
by Akash R Nilugal (Jir...
Apache CarbonData JIRA issues
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